Came as advertised

"I believe it is as valuable as a pantry full of survival food [...]. I began surfing through the table of contents and ended up reading the entire book. Gets right to the point, and, very informative. Clear pictures. Covers every topic I would want and many I didn't think of. We also gathered wild foods and medicines. I still do some and share that with others. I love learning about natural and wild foods, medicines, Pemmican making, old ways of doing things and incorporating that into my life."


If you are wanting to get back to basics, this book is for you.

"If you are tired of Chemicals in drugs to cure what ails you, and want a more natural cure that works, this book is worth its weight in gold. If you are a prepper, survivalist, or off grider, this book is for you!!! It full of the old way (ALL NATURAL) home remedies. My wife and I have had need to try some, and although I was a little skeptical at first. I will say they work. Most of the ingredients can be found in the yard or on the roadside, and just need a little prep time. Also look at the Book, "The Lost Book of Remedies" Both are worth having in you library."

Andrew P. Arkansas

too much hype or not?

"I have received many messages in the past mentioning this book. As such I was very skeptical. After receiving the book - in a timely manner to my surprise - I did a quick read. To say that my skepticism was wrong is a bit too easy on me. The book managed to surpass the hype that it has had, much to my surprise and happiness. I would recommend it as a good reference. One person found this helpful"

Dennis T.

Survive and thrive

"This book does a great job of describing how our grandparents and great-grandparents got things done. If (when) we have an extended grid outage you will want to know how to survive and thrive in the new reality without electricity or technology. Being prepared to live after a mass coronal event from the sun, or a man made EMP event, is not an option."

Lee Currey

Invaluable book...

"I believe it is an invaluable peice of equipment. Try to google a much needed remedy when the internet is no longer available. "The only downfall, I feel, is that I would prefer more medicinal uses in the book. Other than that, it is well worth $47. But hey, he has that covered by the book, The Lost Remedies. Which will be my next purchase from Claude Davis.


The Lost Ways - an opinion

"The Lost Ways is exactly what I have been looking for. I have purchased many prepper books and survival books and they just do not have what I have been looking for. Well The Lost Ways has the best parts of my entire 30+/- books and puts it into one hard back - easy to read book. The pictures are clear and concise. The explanations are simple and easy to follow. It is my bible of prepper books. I hesitated at the $47 price point but I can tell you it is well worth it. Get will not be sorry!"
